Henna Crowns are one of the stunning applications of henna in contemporary times.
Experiencing hair loss, whether from alopecia or chemotherapy or personal choice, the application of henna to the head is a relaxing and transformative process. The challenge of this condition can be confronting at the very best and humiliating at worst. Assisting this affliction with the soothing beautification of natural henna results in improved well-being and self-appreciation. There are many ways this surface can be decorated, takes 1.5 – 3 hours and get a special price of $100 – $200. Prior to the appointment we will chat about design options.
Henna Crowns are one of the stunning applications of henna in contemporary times.
Experiencing hair loss, whether alopecia or chemotherapy or personal choice, the application of henna to the head is a relaxing and transformative process. The challenge of this condition can be confronting at the very best and humiliating at worst. Assisting this affliction with the soothing beautification of natural henna results in improved well-being and self-appreciation. There are many ways this surface can be decorated, takes 1.5 – 3 hours and get a special price of $100 – $200. Prior to the appointment we will chat about design options.